Thursday, February 11, 2016

Vegan Powers Activate!

It is impossible to venture through life without accumulating some scars and personal baggage. At 40 i have few scars but unfortunately i have discovered 20 pounds of personal baggage.  Now this in it'self is not necessarily a problem and many i am sure would give me the finger when i say that i am overweight.  It issue as it turns out is not the weight per say, but the distribution of said weight and the resulting curvatures.  Nature is very specific on this point and compound curvatures are the preferred aesthetic.  Sadly the phenotype is devolving into a rather uninspiring geometry analogous to the equation pi*r^2 or what my cousin so eloquently describes as "like an egg on stilts."  The 6 pack is now a 40oz and on its way to becoming a keg.
So it is time to change something.  Doing an impartial peer reviewed double blind study has produced the following three results:  1) vegans get naked. 2) vegans get laid 3) vegans are just better than everyone else.  That my friend is a hat trick of winning.  If only the food didn't suck.  Running it is.

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