Thursday, March 10, 2016

Base37 Sucks

I occasionally run across a brand of math mumbo jumbo that seems to link all kinds of numbers (pi, Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, etc) and attach significant meanings to them. Stuff like "there are 5 sides to a pentacle, in the whatsits series 5 happens 5 times, arrange the 5 series in a circle and, blah blah blah) Now this might be hard to follow but math always works regardless of the base you are using. We use base10 i.e. the numbers 0-9 but computers use base2 and to a lesser extent base16. Ancient Mesopotamians used base60 and could do algebra with it. It doesn't matter. the patterns and relationships of mathematics persist regardless of the number system you use. Pi will always be the ratio of the radius of a circle to it's circumference. So while pi might be 3.14 in base10 it will be a different string of numbers in base2 and again in base60. Expressing pi in different bases has no effect on the ratio of pi because it is based on a real relationship and pattern. A more relatable example of this would be degrees and radians. there are 360 degrees in a circle or 2pi radians in a circle. They both mean the same thing and trigonometry works the same way regardless. Algebra, calculus, differential equations, they all work no mater what base you use. So if you have found a bonafide natural pattern it follows that that pattern will exist in all number bases. The number magic i come across almost always is trapped in base10 and concerns itself with the appearance of numbers but has no grasp of any meaningful symmetry or natural pattern.

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